(Eingeschränkte Rechte für bestimmte redaktionelle Kunden in Deutschland. Limited rights for specific editorial clients in Germany.) Parade von Angehörigen der tschechischenLegion, die als autonome militärischeEinheit im Rahmen der französischen Armeewährend des Weltkrieges im Einsatz war,in Prag; beim Abschreiten der Front vonrechts: Vaclav Klofac, Minister fürLandesverteidigung. Aussenminister EdvardBenes und General Pelle- veröffentlicht 07.03.1920Foto: A.+E. Frankl (Photo by A. & E. Frankl/ullstein bild via Getty Images)CZECH REPUBLIC – OCTOBER 02: July 4, 1938, Edvard Benes, President Of The Czechoslovakian Republic, Taking Part In The Annual Festival Of Sokols In Prague. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)UNITED KINGDOM – JUNE 22: From Left To Right: Colonel Moravec, General Serge Inger, Edward Benes, The Ex-President Of The Czechoslovakian Republic In Exile In London And The Slovakian General Rudolf Viest. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)Czechoslovakian leader in exile Dr Edvard Benes (1884 – 1948) inspects Czech troops stationed in the north of England during World War II, 26th July 1940. ‚Pravda Vitezi‘ or ‚Truth Prevails‘ is the national motto of their country. (Photo by Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)The funeral precession of the late Czech President Edvard Benes is carried through the streets on a military gun-carriage in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1948. (Photo by Authenticated News/Archive Photos/Getty Images)