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4th May 1928: A fashionably dressed group, with the women in fur-trimmed coats and the man in a top hat, leaving the Royal Academy after a Private Day View. (Photo by London Express/Getty Images)
1st May 1928: The arrival of the Flying Scotsman at King’s Cross railway station in London. William Whitelaw (right) greets (from right to left) driver J Day, fireman Gray, fireman McKenzie and driver Henderson. (Photo by W. G. Phillips/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
‚May Day 1920‘. On the ruins of capitalism the fraternity of peasants and workers marches against the peoples of the world. (Photo by Ann Ronan Pictures/Print Collector/Getty Images)
Armoured cars and troops at Hyde Park Corner, London, preparing to escort a food convoy through London at 6am on the seventh day of the General Strike, 10th May 1926. (Photo by E. Bacon/Topical Press Agency/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
(Original Caption) Part of the 10,000 women who marched in the May Day parade. The women are employed in the spinning mills.
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